In These Times

In these times are difficult issues that we face in climate change, social injustice, and now with the Covid19 pandemic. The work on this page is influenced by the challenges to the planet and our wellbeing. In 2009 my thoughts these in two prints "Melting Icebergs and "Dark Sky and Jetty" illustrates my fear of rising seas due to a heating planet. What I did not know when I created these works was in three years Hurricane Sandy would destry the lower level of our home in Long Beach, NY.

Smoke from the horrible fires occurring on the West coast filled the Pacific Northwest in 2018 and in 2020. In Seattle I was exposed to that intense smoke both times. The experience was an awaking of the depth of danger we face even indirectly from fires. These works "Smoke Condition "10" x 10", Gouache, acrylic , watercolor and ink. June 2020 and "Smoke in the Woods" 9" x 4" ink on paper.

Paintings: " Alien Landscape" (left) and " Something is Feeling Off" (right) gouache, ink and watercolor on Stonehenge paper 8" square, 2020. They were both created after the Covid19 virus started. Strange, alien, sick feeling as well as worried brought about these two paintings.

Scanned collage and digital painting come together in this image from my collaborative book project currently in progress "Arc of the Viral Universe". This one year project is of this artist made book reacts to the Covid19 epidemic. Read more under Projects and Books. 

Images from pages in my book "Arc of the Moral Universe" completed in April 2020. Read more under Projects and Books. Climate change was one of the themes reflected upon in this book. Paintings for pages are made with Derwent ink blocks on archival tissue paper. Shown are my pages of the destruction of Paradise, California. Escaping the flames and the aftermath of melted Trailer-homes.